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From Rocky and Remi's litter (6/08)


We love Labs, so when ours died last summer, it didn't take us long to decide that we wanted to have another as a pet. I started searching online and came across a web site for Rozey's K9 Farm. At the time they were taking deposits for a litter of puppies born to their sire and dam, Rocky and Remi. We went out to their farm in Allendale to have a look at both the puppies, and the parents. The puppies were clean, and appeared healthy, and the parents were very well kept and well behaved. We were impressed with the fact that their kids were heavily involved with the care of the dogs because we wanted our puppy to be comfortable around children. We put our deposit down, then went back a couple of weeks later to pick out our puppy. That turned out to be a very relaxed, and pleasant, experience. Kerri and the kids brought out a blanket and laid it on the ground, then brought out the puppies and placed them on it. They then left us alone to make our decision. After much debate, we chose the purple collared female, now known as Shilo. I can't say enough good things about her. She's extremely smart and alert. She's not a yippy dog, but barks only when she senses that something's not right. She was easily house-trained. She has a beautiful, shiny, deep chocolate coat. She has a delightful temperament. She loves to play, but also likes to sit still to be petted. She's good with our small dog and with our two son's dogs, which come over often to romp with their pal, Shilo. We all just love her. She's a perfect addition to our family. Her only fault, if you can call it that, is the fact that now, at 6 months old, and a solid 53 pounds, she still envisions herself to be this little puppy, and when you sit on the couch, she likes to hop up onto your lap to cuddle. ;o) I would not hesitate to recommend to anyone considering buying a Lab puppy that they check out the puppies at Rozey's K9 Farm.


Rosemarie, Zeeland, MI 






rozey k9 farm reviews

From Rocky and Sally's litter. (7/07)


We purchased Harlem, our female chocolate lab from Karri in August 2007. She was the runt of the litter and we didn't quite know what to expect. We fell in love with her immediately! From day one, she fit in with our family and with our older Labrador, Josie. Harlem is healthy, strong, obedient and loyal. She has a beautiful, glossy, deep chocolate coat and oddly enough, she doesn't shed as much as our other Labrador. She was easy to house train. Harlem rarely barks. She plays easily with other dogs.
She loves kids and is very gentle with babies and toddlers. I attribute her behavior to the socialization she received from Karri's five children. When friends and family visit us, she smothers them with love and brings them toys. She lives up to her breeds reputation. She is a an athletic, powerful swimmer and retriever.
Our experience with Karri and her entire family was wonderful from start to finish.. She has a family farm where the dogs are treated like cherished family members. I would recommend Karri's puppies to anyone looking for a quality Labrador who will easily fit in to your home. I will purchase my next Labrador from Karri.
Bett Stoller, Michigan


From Rocky and Sally's litter. (12/08)


Just wanted to send a note that all is going well with Buddy - he really is a sweetie with a great disposition. We can't get over how calm he is and he just likes to lie by our feet and follow us around. I must say you are doing a great job with their disposition. We have had so many compliments on him.



From Rocky and Sally's litter. (12/08)




Just wanted to update you on Levi Gunnels.  Wow!  He is the best puppy ever!  I can't believe he is almost 4 months old.  Our 5 year old Redbone now accepts him.  It is so fun to watch them run and play.  Levi is so smart!  He can sit and stay now.  He goes directly to his kennel when told.  (I'm sure the treat helps)  He is awesome! 


His name is Little Guy Levi Tucker 212.  Funny thing is, I just realized that your poodle is named Tucker.  He has 212 in his name because we had a Wii bowl off to decide who could name the puppy.  Whoever had the highest score on Wii bowling got to name him.  My daughter bowled a 212 and got to choose the name.  It will be ironic one day when he is 80 lbs. and we are calling him Little Guy Levi! 


Thanks again for providing us with a wonderful puppy.  He is the perfect addition to our family.


... I tell everyone about how sweet this puppy is.  We had a chocolate lab before, and she was wonderful as well.  But this guy....I am in awe.


Lisa G.


From Rocky and Princess' litter. (7/08)

Hi Karri,


Just wanted to share with you that Bella has had a great 1st year.  She is 74lbs of fun and entertainment.  She has made herself right at home, has a neighbor English Lab who comes on over and plays with her daily, and definitely knows the meaning of the words "ride" and "walk".  She is a very social dog who plays well with other dogs.  We need to do some off leash training with her, but she is very quick to pick up commands and seems like she has a lot of hunt dog in her.   She looks great.  Hope the rest of her brothers and sisters are doing well.


Best regards,

Brian, Lori, Andy & Matt Thelen (& Bella)



Remi and Rocky's Litter 6/08


Hi Kerri! Long time no talk!!


Just thought we would send a picture of Michi. This was taken July 29th (2009). As you can see, she rules the roost here!! She is such a great dog!! We are still training her, but she can do all the basics plus a bit more.


Lisa D.



Hi Karri,


Here are so more recent pics of Michi. She has been a great puppy since day one. She was potty trained immediatley. If she happens to have to go potty in the middle of the night she noses the blinds in the room or licks one of us in the face. She is like our shadow, it does not matter where we are in the house she must be with one of us, mainly me, I can not even go to the bathroom in peace. If for some reason I get in to the bathroom and she doesnt, she sits outside of the door until I come out. She is well trained, she sits, lays, begs, shakes, and gives high fives. Right now she is working on play dead, lol. She will also stay when told. She also will not touch her food when you put it in the bowl until we tell her OK. We can also set a treat on her paw, and she will remain still and not touch it until you tell her OK.


I can not thank you enough for giving us such a great addition to our family!!


Lisa D.


From Remi's and Rockys litter 7/6/09



Thanks for asking about him.  He is doing very well.  He is a big fella.  He is now 24lbs and doubled his weight in the last month.  The vet thinks he will be 90lbs plus if he continues at this rate.  Is that possible?  I have included some pictures.  He is a very happy and smart dog.

Keep me in mind for your next litter.  I like having two dogs so fully expect to get another in the next 6-12 months once Bentley is a little older.  Although he is not too much trouble, he has been house broken for the past 3 weeks now (not a single accident) and he even wakes me up at night if he needs to go out.  He also knows how to sit, lie down and shake hands.  You made a smart one.  We are starting to explore some agility classes to get him used to the idea.

Speak soon.





From Remi and Rocky's litter 7/6/09

This is from Lacy Belle at 5 months old (she was from your 7/06/09 litter).  She is a great dog :).


Merry Christmas to you and your family.


--- When we got her we had just lost our dog of 14 years.  Little Lacy had some pretty big shoes to fill.  We're happy to say that she is a wonderful little dog and a very quick learner: she potty trained very easily and knows a  number of commands and tricks already.  At 5 months old she is 40 pounds.  She is very affectionate and is a people person, something our other dog was not.  I could go on and on about her :).  She is a great dog and a wonderful addition to our family.


Thanks again!


Tony & Sandy Goodman


rozey k9 farm reviews


From Remi and Rocky's litter 7/6/09

Kari I am hoping this works.  I am sending a picture of Bentley he is from the 7/06/09 litter from Remi and Rocky.  He is a big dog he is about 60 pounds at 24weeks old. The vet thinks that he will be at least 90+ pounds if he continues at this rate.  He has been through a 6 week obdience class and did well he can sit, stay,wait, come (when he wants to).  He is a very lovable, people friendly and good with other dogs.  He is working on his house training he does still have accidents once in a while but that is getting better.  Overall is is a very good dog and we are very pleased to have him. 

The Fader Family




From Remi and Rocky's litter 7/6/09

Hi Karri,


I just wanted to drop a note to thank you for your advice and the educational DVD.  With time and patience, we survived Teddy’s puppyhood.   Now, he has become a wonderful addition to our family.  He is so loveable and sweet.  Although he is still a playful puppy (7months old), he has begun to listen really well.    


When we first got him from you, he already knew how to sit.  Within a month, we taught him to “come” no matter how far away he traveled.  My second son has since taught him to shake, stay, lay down, leave it and drop it. 


Teddy is a favorite of the neighborhood kids because he is so playful and friendly.   We just adore him too.  Thank you for such a great dog!




The Dorn Family 



From Remi and Rocky's litter 2/12/10


Just wanted to thank you for Peyton.  She is beautiful and lots of fun.  Also, the vet gave her raving reviews.  I know a guy who, after meeting Peyton, might be interested in the last puppy.    Thanks again for the pup she is a wonderful addition to our family.



She is 5 months old and loves to swim.  Also, she sits, stays, lays down, shakes and comes to both verbal and hand signals.  She also loves to chase rabbits and birds.  Great dog!


Tim Jackson



rozey k9 farm reviews

From Remi and Rocky's litter 6/08

Hi Karri-


My name is Heather and I bought a chocolate lab from your farm in August 2008. I see that you are hoping to have another litter of chocolate labs this coming August and I was hoping that I could send you a deposit for another puppy. We love Diesel's (that's our dog's name) temperament and would love to get him a friend. I see that you did not put your full address online and I was wondering if I could get that, so I could send you a check for a deposit. We would love another male. Thank you so much for breeding such wonderful dogs!




From Remi and Rocky's litter 2/12/10

Hi Karri,


Hope all is going well with you and yours.

Roxie is doing very well, and we love her very much.

She is a very ornery dog, but we are making good progress on the training.

The vet indicated that she was a very beautiful and sound dog, and we have had many, many compliments on her.  I have attached a few pictures for you.

She is large…!  Roxie is 65 lbs already…!  We walk her every day about 2 miles plus working in the backyard on retrieving.

Please find attached per the terms of the Spay Agreement evidence of Roxie’s spay procedure.

Please let me know if you need anything else.

Please confirm the receipt of this email.


Best Regards, Darren Owens


From Jewel and Samson's Litter 10/31/11


We are the proud parents of Virginia (Sadie) & Scotch (Bentley). Here are the papers regarding they both where spayed/neutered.

They both are doing great. They have taken to our boat quite nicely. Went swimming for the 1st time last week. They love love love the water. We love our fury bundles and are very happy. I hope you can see by the pictures that we are spoiling them rotten!


Thank you so much,

Darcy & Andrew Olsen 


rozey k9 farm reviews

From Rocky and Princess' litter. (7/08)

Hi Karri,


Today is Bella's 4th birthday, so I thought I'd send along a couple of pictures of our little diva.  She has been a great dog and a great addition to the family.  She has a wonderful personality, is great around kids and has been my shadow for the past few years.  I am trying to get her to swim, however, as she has not been a big fan of the pool.  I've got a yellow lab living on one side of our house and a chocolate lab on the other, both of whom are swimmers, so I'll keep working on it with Bella!

All the best!


Brian & Lori Thelen and Bella

rozey k9 farm reviews

From Samson and Jewel's litter. (10/30/11)


I just wanted to let you know how wonderful Teak is!

He is almost 10 months now and he is a very happy, fast learning pup.

He is just the most handsome boy!

Just wanted to share a picture of him having fun at Moose Head Lake, Me

He is just the most wonderful puppy!!

He is a great swimmer.

rozey k9 farm reviews

Bradi and Samson's Litter (9/29/12)


wanted to drop you a few lines to let you know how Zeus was doing, though I was outvoted on renaming him. He is a great addition to our family, every since we picked him up Zeus has been wonderful. All the neighbor's kids love him. The vet has given him a clean bill.



Ruth and Samson's Litter (5/6/13)

Hi Karri - I thought you would like to see some pictures from our first two days. Josie (Daiwa) has settled in and we are all adjusting to a new normal! She is such a great dog already. She decided yesterday her water dish is the same as the pool and should be sprayed everywhere. You can see her laying in the water in one of the pictures.  We did a vet trip yesterday for a check up. The vet said she looks great and is going to be a big dog. She was 16 1/2 pounds yesterday. She will be neutered at 16 weeks, so end of August. I will send you the receipt.


Thanks so much, Karri. She is well loved already.


rozey k9 farm reviews


Bradi and Samson's Litter (5/3/13)

Hi Karri - Just thought I'd check in and let you know that Rubi is doing very well! She's been doing her "duties" outside like a pro and she and Indy are getting acquainted and have had some good romps around the house already. :) Rubi seems to be catching on to his signals about when to give him space and when it's ok to play. She slept the first night through until about 5 am and last night until 6:15, so I'm very happy with that!  She's a sweetheart!

 I attached a couple of pictures. In the second one, Indy showed Rubi where the bunnies hide in our backyard - she didn't quite dare to follow him into the bushes today. :)




rozey k9 farm reviews

Ruth and Samson's Litter (5/6/13)

Hi Kari, wanted to let u know how much we are enjoying Tug!! We are impressed with his intelligence and sweet nature... I'll send pics too!




updated (age 2).

 Hi Kari, wanted to let u know how much we are enjoying Tug!! We are impressed with his intelligence and sweet nature... I'll send pics too!




Yes we are pretty obsessed with him here... He is making it ok as a hunting dog and he is the sweetest most loyal companion we have known:). Good job:)


rozey k9 farm reviews

Remi's Litter (6/2/11)

Hello Karri,


We have been meaning to contact you for some time to let you know that Malcolm (used to be Kodiak) is doing wonderful.  He is such a great and loving dog.  Now that he is 2 he has calmed down some.  We did not know he would have so much energy.  We are 100% satisfied with our interactions with you and the temperament and loving nature of Malcolm is a great indication of the wonderful breeder your are.  Also, Malcolm is so SMART.  We are the ones that need to step up and meet his needs.  He is such a patient dog.  For a family that did not grow up with pets, Malcolm was easy to train and he has been a blessing to our family. We love him so and he is so darn adorable!


Here are a few pictures.


We hope all is well with you and your family.


I.D. and Brenda Jegede


Jewel and Samson's Litter 1/24/14

Hello! Just wanted to write and tell you about our boys first couple days at home. 
He did amazing on the ride home Friday. He only whimpered a little here and there the first half hour or so (we had a two hour ride). He didn't have and accidents or get carsick at all (: the first night he only potties in the house once, and he only cried a little for about 10 minutes in his crate before he slept from midnight to 6:30am. Saturday morning, he had one more accident but by the afternoon he was going to the door every time he needed to potty, and whining when he has to poo.  After every potty he sits and waits for his treat. He didn't sleep quite as well last night but Today is Sunday, and no accidents. He still loves his naps and is finding his favorite places. He is eating well, he was 15.1 lbs yesterday. We are so happy with him, he really is a joy and we are so glad to have Jagger in our family. He is an amazing puppy!


Patty and Samson's Litter 9/4/13

Hello Kerry!

It's Tigran, you probably remember us….there was my son, my wife and me who picked up a chocolate male puppy, at that time a year ago, his name was Mitt….now his name is Chino, and I attached Chino's last pics….
He is a great boy and we love him much….my both sons and my wife and me….
I would like to say thank you for such a nice dog!  This boy still need lots of work as he has so much energy….but he is a great dog – a real lab with great character!

Thanks a lot!


rozey k9 farm reviews

Princess and Rocky Litter

Hi there, we purchased max 7 years ago this march from you. Son of Princess and Rocky. I was wondering if you are going to have any Yellow lab puppies in the future? You are seriously the only breeder my husband and I want to get a puppy from. He says he wants to get another lab so Max can train him up the right way. By the way my husband never liked dogs until we got Max.My husband wants another black but I would like yellow but it doesn\'t really matter.  Glad we found you!  Take care and hope to hear from you soon .

Marcy and Samson Litter 2013 and Harley and Brody's Litter 8/3/15

Hi Karri-
I wanted to send you some pictures of Bailey(Wren) and Vader(Moon).  We love them so much!  They are getting along really well and Bailey loves having a playmate.  Vader is doing wonderful and his first visit to the vet went well.  He is meeting lots of people and will be starting a puppy class next month.

Have a great weekend!

Alicia Tutt

Harley and Brody's Litter 2-19-16

Hi Karri,


Our puppy is great. We have called her Maple, as in maple syrup. She is crate and house training well. Our other dog, Lucy, loves her and they play all the time. If I get the 3:00 am potty break out of the way, we will be golden.


Thank you,



rozey k9 farm reviews

Oakley and Brody's Litter 11-21-15

Hi Karri-


First of all, we named this puppy Polly after Troy Polamalu of the Pittsburgh Steelers.  Pearl just never sounded right.


Secondly, we are so in love with this puppy!  She is such a delight!  After losing our Betty at Thanksgiving there was a dark cloud hovering over this house and Polly has brought the joy back.  So, thank you for all you did up until we picked her up on Saturday.


I wanted to let you know that we did see our vet on Tuesday and she is perfect.  She weighed 16.6 pounds.  The vet’s office called the next day to get your name. They said that they had not seen that great of bone structure on a lab puppy in a long time. Maybe they will give your name out-who knows!


Thanks so much Karri.


Jennifer Duboc

Dolly and Brody's Litter 8-4-15

Karri:  Just a note to let you know the pup I got from you last October, female chocolate lab, bronze, I believe, is doing great.  Her name is Hazel and she is now about 5 ½ months old, about 42 pounds and getting bigger every day.  Had her rabies shot and will be spayed probably in mid February.  A couple of pictures of her are attached. She has a sister now, a Clumber Spaniel named Molly. They are very close and play together constantly.  Molly is about 7 ½ months old. 






Hazel is a great dog.  The vet said she is very solid and I think she is going to be big, despite being the smallest in the litter. As soon  as she is spayed, she will be going to Obedience school. I would not trade either pup for all the money in the world.





Karri:  A note to tell you Hazel is doing real well.  She is now about 14 months old.  I just took her and Molly, my Clumber Spaniel, for a week to my brother’s cottage on an island in the Thousand Islands in the St. Lawrence River in Canada.  Hazel was  a little scared of the water before, but when she got used to it, she was all business, tracking and fetching balls and bumpers out of the water all day long like it was her great goal in life.  She is a really good swimmer.   She is about 66 pounds.  I just adore her.  She follows me around everywhere.  Some pics attached.


Take care,



Bradi and Bean's Litter 3-20-15

Just wanted to send you an update saying how much we adore Eva (Kea from
Bradi's litter). She has really warmed up and loves to run around chasing
anything! She loves walks and knows sit and lay down already.

Thank you so much for bringing this wonderful pile of chocolate into our
lives! We are so happy!



Autumn's and Brody's Litter 12-5-16

I just wanted to let you know that I took Gracie for her first vet appointment.


The doctor said that she is very healthy.


Also I received a lot of compliments on not only how good she looked but how well behaved and her temperament.


One of the technician asked for your website. She said that she has been looking and thought Gracie was the best looking puppy she has seen.


I believe she will be getting a hold of you.



rozey k9 farm reviews

Bonnie and Brody's Litter 1-19-16

This is Lola...pup of  Bonnie born 2016.  We kept her name. She is the best. She enjoys boating on Lake Michigan summer weekends and retrieves like a super star. She can catch a basketball midair!! She is such a sweetheart and so smart.

Thanks so much for breeding such quality pups!!!

Branch family

Burr Ridge, Illinois

Mia and Bean's Litter 4-5-17

Hi Karri! It is Rudy’s one year birthday today! He is 68 lbs and happy and sweet and silly. He loves snow and ice with a passion and loves to be outside. He loves our backyard and watching deer come by from the woods. He’s everything we hoped for in a Lab! His parents are Mia and Bean.

Thank you for such a great dog!

Cindy L.


Good morning Karri - 


Just wanted to let you know how in love we are with Ella and how well she is doing.  She's growing like a weed and the bigger she gets, the more we love her.  


She seems to be quite smart, as she is picking up her commands and polite behavior quite well.  She just completed 6 weeks of puppy class and we will be starting a regular obedience class when she is old enough.  She knows sit, down, stay, leave it, drop it, fetch, and loves to play hide and seek and find the treat.  She's walking well on a leash but those darn birds and squirrels are hard to ignore!!


Here are a couple of pics - as you can see, there is nothing like finding a good place for a nap.  Thanks again for bringing us Ella.


Kim R.


Thought I'd send you a picture of Mackinaw a one year old.  We couldn't ask for a more sweet, loveable and loyal pet.  He has quite the personality.  We absolutely love our gentle giant.


Wish we could have more!


Thanks, Jerry and Teresa P. 

Bonnie and Bean's litter 2-16-17

Thought you might like to see this gorgeous pup of yours.


Loving play-ful but is a stubborn knuckle head. Lol


Very happy with this pup.


Thanks ...  

Autumn and Todd  litter 6-7-17

Hi, here is the pic of the paper I got from the vet on getting scooter neutered. Hope the picture is what you need if not let me know. He is a great dog and everyone that meets him is impressed at how good of a dog he is. We love him to pieces! I took him to meet Santa with my youngest too and will include that pic for you to see. 



Pepper's litter 5-16-17



Just wanted to let you know that Riley (OJ) had his first puppy appointment and rabies shot today.  He's doing great.  He's such a little lover and cuddler.  Katie, my oldest, is coming around to her new little brother's energy level.  Keeps her on her paws!!  Attached are a few pics to enjoy.  Thanks, again, for sharing this little guy with me.  He's such a joy to have in my home and already spoiled rotten!!  





I just had to share these pics with you.  I love my little guy.  I have a pet sitter come in 2 times a day to let my "kids" out and play with them.  She captured these pics today of Riley.   He is always sticking his tongue out and apparently he can "fly" now too -- I just love the grin on his face as he goes jumping up off all 4's!!  Enjoy.



Our Bradi--Retired and in her new home.

Hello Karri : It has been several months since we had Bradi come into our home and we thought that you might like to have some photos of her , she has been a really good and happy dog and has enjoyed many walks and tummy rubs and is now enjoying playing in the snow ,wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year . John W.

Mia and Bean Litter 11-18-20


 I wanted to let you know what a blessing this new guy is!

 He has a great personality, very intelligent ,and has adapted extremely well here in CA with our 2 year old golden retriever.

 My daughter changed his name to Rozey’s Boonie Bear. (Boone) Thanks again, David E.


Dear, Karri we recently got a chocolate lab from your farm(Axe) from hope and Todd’s June (2020) litter. It’s not our first experience with your dogs, we also have a chocolate lab (Diesel) he is 12.5 years old from a Remi and Rockys litter June of 2008. 

       So we knew when it came time to find Diesels successor, we would have to go back to the rozeysk9farm. Diesel has and still is an amazing dog, friend, companion. From helping us raise our kids to hunting to just being your best friend. He has slowed down a lot and enjoys longer naps and shorter walks. 

          I can say we are blown away by Axe. He has the best temperament,  

very relaxed but still explosive when retrieving. He is also  a handsome boy. Your dogs have been a blessing in our lives. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to breeding great dogs. 

            Sincerely, the Bo...



The puppy we got from you this summer.  He was the green collar boy born on July 13th, (2020).  Parents Summer and Raymond.  


Jack has a great personality. :)  A bundle of energy and a lot of fun.  Very smart and receptive to training.  

Take care,




We just wanted to reach out and give an update on the puppy we got from you in September. She is named Lemon, and is the sweetest dog we could have asked for. She is so smart- she learned tons of commands in her first week home. She loves training and learning, which makes it really fun to learn new tricks. She is wonderful with people, children, and dogs. She is very happy-go-lucky and just wants to be involved with her people. She is one of the best puppies I have ever interacted with. She is a kind, loving dog to the core. Lemon is also the most beautiful puppy- we get stopped on the street all the time to hear about how stunning she is. We are so glad we got our yellow collar girl from you. Here are some recent pictures of her! I ​

Hi Karri,


Just wanted to send you a Lemon update (she’s from Raymond x summer born in July 2020). She is the sweetest, prettiest dog. She is so smart, we learn a new trick at least once or twice a week just for fun. She is sweet to all dogs, people, and kids. Lemon is truly the best dog. She has so much personality. 

She’s perfect! 



Hi Karri! 

Just wanted to send along some pictures of Boden. He has been the absolute best pup with the best personality, we love him more than we can say. Also included a picture of him and his brother Buddy, they have playdates multiple times a week! 

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! 



Just wanted to show you how handsome Norman is. He was 6 months on Sunday from Raymond and Robbin litter July 23.  He’s a handful but we love him.


2021 Litter

Good evening,

Just want to say thank you again for Bandit. He is without a doubt the most amazing lab, pet, family member my family has ever known.  Although his name is Bandit we refer to him as “Our Little Gift”.  It’s hard to explain how his interaction with others brings out such joy and happiness.  I repeatedly hear  how absolutely adorable and perfect he is.

I have all the faith he will continue on his path and make a incredible therapy and companion dog. We are truly blessed and thank you daily for “our little gift”


Funny story to share. I believe my neighbor, Mr Toner has contacted you about getting a lab. I’ve lived in the same house for 23 years.  In that time I probably spoke with him a half dozen times. After meeting Bandit and getting  one of his signature hugs the mans face filled with absolute joy. I then gave him your contact info. The following day, again  no words exchanged but,  I got a thumbs up,  smile and wave as he drove by. Betting he’s on a list for a chocolate.

Thank you again.


Baron is from Mabel/Raymond's Oct 26, 2020 litter. Safe to say he is spoiled ( this is from his paw-ty at doggie daycare). 

Hi Karri.  Back in 2015 you sold me a Female Chocolate Lab Pup that I named Hazel.  I just wanted to let you know that Hazel is now 6 years old and is a great dog.  6 years old and she has the energy of a 6 month old pup.  Always happy, hungry and wiggling around ready to fetch or go for a walk or a swim.  She has a 6 year old Clumber Spaniel as a sister and they get along great.





HAZEL CLOSE UP_edited.jpg

Hazel is such a card and always so full of energy.  I don’t know how she knows but she wakes me up every day at 8:00.   I am taking both pups to Bar Harbor, Maine for a 10 day vacation next week.  They have seen all the Great Lakes but never the ocean.   I must admit they are spoiled and get whatever they want, but I don’t care. 





Mia and Bean 11/2020

Morning Karri! Thought you might like an update on Nelly nearing 4 months. She is a sweetheart! Have a great day!  


Nelly is nearing 5 months now. I just wanted you to know what a wonderful personality she has. She is very laid back and such a sweetie. I believe her parents are Mia and Bean. Hope all is well your way. Thanks, Lisa




I just wanted to share how Otis is doing!  He was the red collar male from Phoebe (and Raymond) born on 12/7/20.  This handsome guy is 4 months old.  He’s an awesome addition to our family.  He has a great temperament, very eager to learn, and we are absolutely in love with him!


Just thought you may want an update & see him.


Thank you!!

Tracey T


2021 Litter

We decided on Bella as her name.  She is doing great.  She’s adjusting well.  We couldn’t be happier!




Phoebe and Raymond Litter 12/7/20

Just wanted to say thank you again! This one is such a cuddler (and biter lol) she definitely brightens our days and is spoiled

Quick question, we bought two toys from you when we picked up Betta in February. Well as you can see from the picture she absolutely loves them, they are her favorite toys but there is nothing left of the one and this one is disappearing quickly. Would it be possible to get two more and have them shipped to us? Obviously we would pay for shipping. 

update:  She’s very happy now!!! Thank you!



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Phone:  616-892-1993

Address: West Michigan

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